Kelley Masters, Paralegal

Kelley Masters is a longtime resident of the Austin area, having lived in northwest Austin and Cedar Park for 29 years. A lifelong passion for law and government led her to return to college in 2017 and obtain an Associate of Applied Science degree in Paralegal Studies.  She has spent the past 14 years as a citizen activist, playing a major role in passing three significant pieces of Texas legislation for cottage food producers. She has also probably delivered more homemade cookies to the Texas State Capitol than any person in history.

Serving the community is something that brings her joy; she has volunteered as a Victim’s Services Advocate with the Cedar Park Police Department and also served two years as a Commissioner on the board of Williamson County Emergency Services District #11. She and her husband have 3 children.  If she has any spare time, she likes to spend it baking and tending her flock of backyard chickens.